Monday, September 16, 2013

::Dear Darla::

Monday, September 16:
Write a public love letter to someone in your life. (It doesn't necessarily need to be romantic.)

Clever little post title, right? I thought so! Only because Carter & Wyatt love The Little Rascals.

 Dear love of my life: 
 You have done so much for our family! You re the best dad & our boys absolutely idolize your every move. I knew I loved you from our very first date. You have always been so kind & loving. You have made me so much more outgoing & willing to see the fun in little things. You have taught me that a marriage only works with communication, whether you are mad at each other or just talking about each others days. We never go to bed mad at each other. ( maybe annoyed that one is hogging the bed a little to much) We are never to goodbye without telling each other love you first. I can't wait to spend the rest of our life together!! 
 Love, Ky

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