Sunday, January 4, 2015

• Mommy Facts •

1. Moms may not always be patient, but we sure try our hardest. Sometimes when you are stuck inside all day with no one but a 5, 2, & 11 month old, you lose your patience by bed time! 8:00 can not come soon enough.

2. Speaking of, Moms love bed time & there isn't anything wrong with that. Bedtime is our way of keeping our sanity. It's our breathing time. It's my blogging time! More importantly it's QUIET time!

3. Stay at home moms have hard days, even if they can't explain why. SAHM's get ridiculed all the time for having one of the easiest jobs ever. It's not easy, it's hard some days & to explain it to your spouse is not easy. There can be multiple things wrong & you can't pinpoint what threw you over the edge. 

4. Moms can't always get ready, even if they want. You can try all you want to get up, do your morning cleaning & expect to get ready. But then, "I pooped" & you discover it's all over because the hand went down the pants. Bigger clean up than expected. You start with your hair & then the baby starts crying. Nap time after lunch you just give up because your gonna get interrupted anyways. Yoga/comfy pants & a messy bun is your everyday. 

5. Moms make mistakes & it's normal. Moms are human too. Mistakes happen to some of the best & hardworking people. Just because we are in charge of multiple humans at a time DOES NOT mean we are perfect! It's totally ok. 

6. Moms are powerful, more then they know. I hate to say it, but moms are the go to when it comes to owies or needs. It's the mommies job to deal with that.. It always will be. Daddy may be the man of the house! But we own the power! 


  1. I think being a SAHM is really hard mentally. Especially if you don't get out outside of the house :( I could never insult stay at home moms! I use to be one and will probably be one for a little bit this year! And yes to the bed time being our time. Sometimes I feel guilty for putting my son to bed a little early but it works out for both of us in the end. I get my me time and he wakes up without hassle in the morning from getting extra sleep! Being a Mom is just so great!

  2. Your kiddos are adorable and it sounds like they have a GREAT mom! =)

  3. Thank you so much!! Those boys are crazy fun!!

  4. This post is BIBLE!! #2 for me I sometimes wish the kids could just crash early so I can start blogging and working on business stuff sooner! #3 I've been a FT WAHM since 2012 and I catch a lot of these comments but I just shut them down with all the things I'm capable of doing while their slaving at work! Great post!

    1. That's where the mom power comes from I love rubbing it in people's faces that we are as SAHM's are amazing too!!

  5. Sometimes I feel like such a jerk that I'm doing the party dance for bedtime. But I have started to make peace with it. Some quiet time and time with Daddy is always a good thing!

    1. We can't wait for movie time when the boys go to sleep!! Daddy time is great!!

  6. I think being a stay at home is a tough job and easily over looked by people who can't. Your days sounds super fun and exciting!

    A Blissful Haven

  7. Oh my gosh ! I love this post! I mean I feel like I could seriously hug you after reading this post! Being a stay at home mom is something I will never take for granted, but it is not an easy life! It's frustrating, and stressful, and amazing all at the same time!

  8. My mom was a stay at home mom and many of my best friends are. I am a working mom, but I think SAHM's are hard workers. Just the 12 weeks that I stayed home on maternity leave were challenging for me mentally. I think being a mom regardless is challenging, yet the best job in the world! Great post!
